Professional Fencing Contractors

Please note that other types of fencing are available. This is just a selection. If your requirement is not listed please Contact Us.


The most popular garden fencing ever. Built on site in kit form it is easy to erect. A versatile and long lasting sturdy fence.

Closeboard With Concrete Posts

It’ll take a mighty wind to blow down our closeboard fences, but when then are erected with concrete posts it’s nearly impossible!

Post and Rail

There are several advantages to using post and rail style fencing, not only do you get good vision through the fence but the robust traditional design doubles as an attractive barrier that works well along most curves.


Trellis is a universal item, it can be used for screening, decoration, or division within the garden, another idea for decoration could be having a trellis on the top of a panel with a vine or flowers growing on it.

Picket Fence

The traditional picket fence is a simple and attractive fence which is ideal for the splitting of front gardens or for fencing off areas to prevent access for dogs.

Panels and Timber Posts

The most common of fences in the UK right now. Completed with timber fence posts and available in many different heights and widths.

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